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Skumars has done interiors for offices, homes and hotels, in India and in Dubai. In all projects done by Skumars, one thing stands out … Each project has some unique creations, and the whole harmony of spaces, color combinations and planning stands out.
Our range of experience includes

  1. Structural design
  2. Interior design
  3. Construction work
  4. Plumbing work
  5. Coloring/ Painting
  6. Furniture …
  7. Electrical fittings
  8. Home design, right from flooring, ceiling, electrical, furniture, kitchen design, Bathroom design and fixtures.
  9. Office design: Designing complete office right from flooring, carpeting to custom or modular furniture, electrical fittings, plumbing etc.
Skumars has done interiors for offices, homes and hotels, in India and in Dubai. In all projects done by Skumars, one thing stands out … Each project has some unique creations, and the whole harmony of spaces, color combinations and planning stands out.  
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