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While designing a good interior, sometimes these points are simply left un- attended. Though these aspects do not directly affect the look and first impact, these are as vital as any other aspects. When you take care that the place is secure, and a good hygiene is planned and maintained, the feeling of care shows in the personality of your property, your space, your home, office or factory. There are many things one needs to take care of, and these would vary based on the need and application of your space. It may involve simple techniques to minimize accidents to most complex security devices. We at SKumars design property with these aspects as an important focus, and have taken care of these in small houses to large corporate offices.

Skumars has done interiors for offices, homes and hotels, in India and in Dubai. In all projects done by Skumars, one thing stands out … Each project has some unique creations, and the whole harmony of spaces, color combinations and planning stands out.  
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