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As our slogan says … Essence of Aesthetics … of course when one needs the space to be designed where one needs to be attached, be it a residential property or an office space, one needs the scene to be most pleasant. Aesthetics is not just beauty of individual units of your property. There are many aspects, which include the theme of the interior design, which needs to match your personality. What is aesthetics for a full family may not be the same for an office, a musician’s or artist’s expectation and compatibility with a particular theme may be different from a research scholar, or computer geek’s expectations.

Colour combination to be selected also is a very tricky subject and needs real expertise and efforts from the Architect and interior designer’s part. The theme, colors and looks of the final product are a continuous process of interaction, understanding client and taking care that the final product is … a. Depicting the personality and mood of the owner, and is compatible with his liking b. While retaining the above, it should still be very pleasant for the visitors, and other members connected to the space. c. It should also leave a mark of the designer, the interior decorator on the property/ space. We at Skumar Interiors take care to try and achieve all these meticulously.

Skumars has done interiors for offices, homes and hotels, in India and in Dubai. In all projects done by Skumars, one thing stands out … Each project has some unique creations, and the whole harmony of spaces, color combinations and planning stands out.  
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