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1 . Is it necessary that the more you spend the better the things look?
This is a myth. If beauty was related with the spendings, then we would not have beauty queens from poor families! If we go by standards and social expectations, sometimes some materials would cost more than others, and may be needed. But the beauty and aesthetics can be constructed out of simple stuff too. We always analyze the need, the budget, and the result planned, and out of this discussion we come to conclusion of what to use and what best can be done out of it.
2 . You have given so many items in expertise! Is it really possible to be good in all these?
It is impossible that one can be expert in everything. But we are a team, and we have chosen vendors who become our extended team. Either our way of choosing and managing these teams, or our fortune, we have got an excellent team of workers and contractors, who at times stretch themselves to limits to get your job done in right way within deadlines.
3 . Why the name SKumar?
S Kumar is short for ‘Shanti Kumar’. The main Promoter of the company Sumit Doshi, wanted the name to be a tribute to his father Mr. Shantikumar Doshi, who is a very religious person. Sumit takes inspiration from his father’s spirituality where interior spaces of the mind and soul, and Sumit works on the interiors of properties and spaces.
Skumars has done interiors for offices, homes and hotels, in India and in Dubai. In all projects done by Skumars, one thing stands out … Each project has some unique creations, and the whole harmony of spaces, color combinations and planning stands out.  
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